Friday, January 16, 2009


Teeni Trini evolved simply out of the desire to create practical, appealing solutions for today’s kids and babies coupled with the aspiration to develop a business that would work around our daughter.

After becoming a parent, with a traditional career behind me, I have now chosen to persue my creative passion and to do what I love and be my own boss.

All Teeni Trini items are designed by a Mother who likes things to be practical, easy to use and easy on the eye, not everybody wants a placement print of a cartoon character on their child’s accessories!

My initial range includes three types of stylish and practical bibs for boys and girls, two types of smocks, gift packs and hair clips for little ladies.

I am currently developing new products, various gift packs and splat mats etc, so please keep an eye on my store for regular updates and new items.